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Dance is a magic talent ,but these two features as she is !relationresultZhou Yupraise: by a family who really good courage ! , relationresultThe sentencesaid ,by a dance is nails turn foot ,to follow his road to the end can not be !Then ,two people the way forward ,Zhou Yu is ordinarily, eyes look around ,see things but not suspicious ,the blossom on the trees ,www.monsters-ol.com,strange fruit ,and occasionally there are one or two acoustic praise ,poor light dance sound of his voice, his laughter together ,was inadequate for the ears are lost by three points efficacy ,also scoring God listen to him, the most detestable is: she can clearly put forward the opinion ,once the request the other party to shut up ,listen carefully around the news not appear light family not ?At least one difference each other !Vanity is able to kill people ,this sentence everyone can speak ,but says he will have vanity !relationresultDanceby vanity ,someone in the jungle if nothing ,treat with indifference ,the grace she can do, even more than he was doing well !-- by a family who is everywhere wins a head ,even when the danger is coming .
Also !relationresultSo,two person is like go ta-qing ... ... A friend ,talk cheerfully and humorously ,straight into the jungle, RPS will not jungle beast before them ,but the two one is really easy ,one for grace and born easily ,it was hectic ,but his face had to present a relaxed smile ,light Yang dance feel just like crazy !And nearly had a heart attack !relationresultThere are a lot ofanimal in the jungle ,but not by a dance again, by Zhou Yu good reminder ,as if she were a much higher level ,these ordinary animal which could get into by the grand wizard .
?Elsewhere in the jungle is going more and more dense ,but here is not the same, the jungle go wider more spacious ,half an hour later ,Zhou Yu stood on a hill in front of three miles ,and there is a valley ,there are slight fog dispersal .
relationresultWipethe sweat on his forehead by dance : without the road ahead ! ,beats by dre cheap, relationresultZhou Yu shook his head: not !There is a valley ! , relationresultByheart at the dance ,OK so a pair of severe eye do ?Mountain valley? The valley can be eat, when to drink ?She didn a valley ?Not only that ,but also know that this is the most dangerous part of the island :valley !relationresultThe 102nd chapter mumbo jumbo , relationresultNorth Wangcheng,the Empire center of power ,prosperity ,the old wall northwest ,mountains climbed ,mist ,is the most horrible beast forest ,forest center the mists ,as if never disappear ,the mountain wind ,fog flying to the sky ,two person is in the air as they fly ,they were flying in the fly ,although not too fast ,but posture elegant ,like dancing in the wind ,wind mage ,at least was magister !relationresultSuch peoplewherever they see should be the focus ,but now ,they seemed to fly back to the birds, with three points to fear ,also with three points .
relationresultFogdrop behind them ,two birds falls on the hillside ,the front is a huge hole, inside a light, although the whole mountain are shrouded in the mists ,but the hole circumference ten feet but no fog ,although the mountain is like a barren hill ,but the entrance is all flowers bloom together.
,modified neatly, comparable to the Imperial Garden palace .relationresultTwoa man stood at the entrance of the cave ,respectfully bowed : swami ,a big deal ! , relationresultTheextremely long, no figure ,but suddenly a voice: what ? Sound level and extreme ,as in the ear .
relationresultSouth sword Shenglie and door disciple 50 people yesterday from skull island ! , relationresultWhat ? The man has a bit of a surprise : who is ? A large sword kill destroy is really big things ,enough to change the pattern of the great lakes !relationresultTheold man said: the disciples did not understand ,but according to his judgment ,but the Andean lattice ,because Lisk just came to the south ,and in the day before to kill strong British pupil of prajna .
, relationresultAndean lattice and they have a strong rivalry ,challenge the strong British very likely killed as a strong British ,I never wonder . The cave man said slowly : but I don ,how did he do it? A person to enter the south ,this is life, but how can he do kill his Great Britain ?Murphy and helper ? , relationresultOutsideanother old man said: disciples of this suspicion ,strong English and Andean sample in about the same ,a disciple of six juggernaut ,dozens of Dajianshi ,skull island is located in the south gate ,Andean one cannot kill them, but that the helper ,there is also who can help him ?Who can help him? , relationresultThe caveman thought for a long time, suddenly said : the last time you send to the sword Kamiya people have an answer? He seems to think what ,sound suddenly raised many .
relationresultNo.The old man said : disciples around the magic guild for life ,but the five had borne no one ,not dead body ... ... Swami ,you ... ... Don doubt ... ... Doubt that person ? , relationresultThe cavepeople not to say yes or no ,said slowly : you go to the south, to understand the strong British before the death of all abnormalities ,including skull island ,cheap beats by dre,every inch of land can ,find traces back to report ,January ! , relationresultThe old mansaid: yes ! Flies ,a moment into the mist .
relationresultOutsideof another old man look up : master, Zhou Yu can do this, but the disciples would not believe he can take escape from death ! The entire hill all the pressure, even the sword God cannot come out ,how he may be an exception? , relationresultI don want to believe ,but the people there are too many miracles ! The cave man said: appears, the world situation changes, cannot despise ! , relationresultIs ! The old man bowed: will personally go to sword Kamiya ,then dug unexpectedly ! , relationresultVerynice.
The cave man said: the national magic assembly has repercussions ? , relationresultEverything is normal ! The old man said : but the disciples have a bad premonition ,lotus strength into the large ,and is in all corners of the country of occult not, whether on this day .
.. ... , relationresultYou worry that she will be on this day in demons Valley ?Will kill the queen ? The cave man laughed : don ! , relationresultThe old manfrowning : the original master had arranged ! , relationresultThe caveman said slowly : why ?Her success or failure ,too, are their family ,and I got to do? A sudden change of the relaxed tone : but if someone Destructive Magic assembly ,nature is dead to foreclosure ,the day .

