
cheap beats by dre R3p%7

Xie Yuxiao is still didn .West Ting ran to the table ,picks up the cup ,the tea ticking along the bottom of the cup dropping down .relationresultThis is the original ,sister you really bad .
West Ting admire praise .relationresultXie Yuxiao took thecup a cup wall ,only to see more than three pinhole .At this time, Xi Ting and waved and said: the rain in her brother ,come .
Xie Yuxiao went to the West and towards the ting ,where to look, to see the three gold embroidery needle neat inserted in the cement wall .relationresultYou are using more than three embroidery needle kill high headmaster ? , relationresultFlying Probehomicide ,true than Li flying ox .
Xie Yuxiao was surprised to say ,reached out to plug in the walls of the embroidery needle ,didn pull out .West Ting hand out .relationresultOn ,I will three gold embroidery needle into the president .
, relationresultsave ? , relationresultNever save ! , relationresultGood .Even the president Kao was sent to the hospital ,autopsy out mind had three pieces of embroidery stitches, how might suspect is flying probe into it .
It seems the yard and also more difficult but never solved the mystery . , relationresultWestYu will retain a needle cup crumbled in the trash can ,said : the Spirit Lord, now things are finished ,what to do next ? , relationresultWhatGet rid of human evil high principal, save a lot of innocent young girls ,this is a big deal ,is the people from harm .
We have done such a thing ,the natural fun ,go ,take you to the East amusement park go mad . , relationresultOkay.Okay. , relationresult...... , relationresultThelong dead ,not to the hospital just alack .
He do not know how the death ,turn in one .Sent to the hospital, hospital of a simple check ,also can not check out what the outcome ,that is death ,but the cause of sudden death is not a reasonable explanation ,because the long no etiology of sudden death .
relationresultPresident Kaofamily cried half alive ,said to be murder ,reported .City Public Security Bureau sent two forensic ,in forensic cooperate to fall, only in the head was discovered a trail of blood ,and then took it ,in your mind that unidentified metal objects .
Craniotomy ,eventually find out three pieces of embroidery needle .relationresultThree pieces ofembroidery stitches ?Three pieces of embroidery needle can enter is walking high principal mind ?This can only be done by forensic and police station to the long family of a reasonable explanation .
relationresultHow to explain?Murder ,professional killer modus operandi ,using a special needle gun will fly three gold embroidery needle into high principal mind .But the case can be solved ,only ghost know ,no witnesses, no clue ,with only three head ,ordinary embroidery needle can be broken up ?relationresultXie Yuxiao,West ,www.monsters-ol.com,West Yu Ting three afternoon play a mad ,mad ,sweat was dripping with .
Play tired ,thank the rain Xiao with herself to eat dinner ,eat dinner went to sing ,a few people are happy ,glad you drink several bottles of wine .relationresultXie Yuxiaois sober ,never touched liquor and could not get on ,blushed ,top-heavy .
Even so ,still took Xie Yuxiao and the goods back to the hotel ,the building into the room, wait on bed .relationresultThe wine can beintoxicating intoxicating beauty ,more ,beats by dre cheap.Look at the red face, Xie rain Xiao deliberately drunk dim bad ,to bed a lie ,let the girls to him to a full body massage .
relationresultForty-seventh palm waste ,tasteless , relationresultSome peopletread air ,clouds ;one heart ,heart .This is love ,love is like Erlang three sharp two-edged sword ,unsure will hurt who ,perhaps even poked mistress .
No matter what the situation ,can not escape one edge of the word .relationresultEdge of the wordtoo confusing, it is also too difficult to write .A lot of people can the edge of the word ,because the edge of the word head too many places ,up and down, from all sides .
Therefore ,many people are not clear what is fate ,that as long as the edge of the word head extends out into place ,all the feelings of the line is a predestined relationship ,in fact all wrong .
relationresultThis will,in Xiaona on beer goggles sitting scrap bar bar ,listening to the open and distant Hotel California ,with a dangling Qianqian hand holding a bottle of Carlsberg ,repeatedly asked He Wenqian what is love ,what is the reason .
He Wenqian said ,sitting in the scrap bar also do so clearly love and fate do, waste your old love was .relationresultYou Scrap bar ,is repealed old place ,where why talk about what is love ,what is the reason ?relationresultScrapbar ,located in the East ,ancient culture street ,the street only a bar .
Bar having an antique flavour ,retro yet avant-garde ,simple and elegant, romantic but not noisy, is really a good place to waste .relationresultScrapbar is divided into two layers ,the lower named waste feeling really Pavilion ,and her love ,and love is that BYEBYE places ;the upper named waste sentiment edge search Pavilion ,is set around ,seeking new edge .
relationresultWaste edge search Pavilion very fire ,because no one will easily break their feelings ,but also required to find ,needs to wait for ,waiting .However ,somehow, to waste edge search club from when I started off ,a one-night stand with places to .
But this also blame the pavilion ,because the city life tired ,hurt by love ,affection for waste edge search too many people, they are so fragile ,cheap beats by dre,so need love ,so it is too easy to qualify .
Lingering night or night love sometimes can become the support they continue strong courage .relationresultWaste sentiment edge search Pavilion although the fire, but not suitable for Xiaona ,in Xiaona is not one to give up easily in a relationship and find new person .
From small to large ,this is her first time ,first time to love a person .She longed for love ,want to have love, but the mayor is not her daughter to simply accept a love .Her lack of handsome young man ,the children of senior officials ,two rich generation ,but these are not suitable for her ,she needs is pure and perfect love .
relationresultYu Xiaonaand He Wenqian meet once each wine ,will ask a what is love ,what is the reason ,not to mind taking the trouble .He Wenqian is a careless ,free and easy ,not for love and fetters, dare to love and hate people ,natural not thoroughly understand what is love ,what is the reason .
She had drank a little more ,had seen TV series ,in the novel the plot of love to move out to Xiaona craps .From Guo Jing ,said Huang Rong Yang Guo , said Helen of Troy ,from the apple struggle , an ,then to flash marriage , naked marriage age ,can break off break out in full ,Xiaona kept asking .

