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Let take big strides peep, can say no emperor is the most crazy ,but his strength is minimal !relationresultPakpalace in early twenty ,a handsome young man ,is a touching a girl body ,from his lustful look, this one is a nasty piece of work !relationresultgolden lotus ,evening to my room !~ ~ ~ youth crooked smile ,the body also can up .
relationresultThe girlwhose lower body inflates feel young ,face flush with said: ,your majesty ,google! , relationresultHey ,you look really nice ! Young then march off ,laughing ... ...
, relationresult!~ ~ a armored soldiers run over .relationresultWhatYouth face of Yin .relationresultBack to the majesty ,for eight castellan ! , relationresultOh.Youth furrowed his brow and said: they come together ? , relationresultIs .
, relationresultTake me to see them ... ... , relationresultPakpalace is the temple, with eight men ,eight rainbow momentum ,binocular like torches ,mighty extraordinary people !relationresultYouthMarching square step ,with his hands behind his back ,and whistling into the main hall ,the main hall of the eight individuals in the first time to kneel on the ground cries : Your Majesty st.
! , relationresultYes,this is a promise the Great North youth !relationresultWell ,come on ,come on ,how do you eight come together ? Pak smiling asked eight people .relationresultBack to the majesty ,we eight castellan respectively receive lower bound came news ! , relationresultPak : Oh ?Lower bound for ?Tell us your opinion.
, relationresultHeaded bya person standing out and said: back to the lower bound of majesty ,there are two evil, bloodthirsty and wantonly my Xiu faction ... ... , relationresultOh?Don Yun faction was being bullied ? Pak smiled and asked .
relationresultHearthe words Pak ,headed by the Duke was a dark ,bitter said : yes . ,cnn, relationresultAt this time,and a master station said : Your Majesty ,as far as I know ,Liu immediate family were killed two .
, relationresultHum . Originally mocked the Pak suddenly overcast ,snorts said : Liu wind ,I command you personally for the lower two hands ,you pick . , relationresultXie majesty grace !~ Liu wind knelt .
relationresultHurried back tohis domain. Liu Yifeng ,could pick hand ,casually two Immortal King early Pro guards, directly to the immortal devil demon world and mortals sector intersection .
relationresultThe immortal devildemon world and mortals sector only this one and the lower bounds of the intersection ,which is commonly known as the channel ,in order to prevent somebody privately lower bound, this channel only holders of immortal devil demon world emperor level authority token can be passed smoothly, of course ,the strength of the imperial high top ,need not be in such trouble ,after all, their strength can easily open space ,directly lower bound .
relationresultIntersectionand sector transmission properties like ,is one with strong energy fluctuations of the platform ,but the platform transfer does not require spar ,but required tokens .
relationresultLiu Yifenggently put free make mistake insert into the groove after the four strike ,platform in the twinkling of an eye was white package ,an extremely powerful energy suddenly put Liu Yifeng and his two men phagocytosis ,suddenly disappear .
relationresultAfter numerousaround mobile ,von Rokuko finally entered the sector ,with his teleportation powers ,von Rokuko in just half a month time ,walking several galaxies ,although there is no reason ,no discipline ,but von Rokuko found ,is its own reason ,but he also constantly absorbing between heaven and earth that powerful Reiki ,though I do not know the future what soaring ,but he was always trying hard ,powerful forward .
.. ... , relationresultThe touch of the namelessplanet ,von Rokuko alone walk in the bustling trouble ,although penniless ,but he was doing ?relationresultA few minutes later,von Rokuko satisfactory carrying a few pockets into a tavern .
relationresultWow ! A bag of money thrown at the table ,said: small ,good wine and tea served me up !~ , relationresultOK, you wait ! The waiter courteous help von Rokuko rubbed the stool of dust .
relationresultIn the taverntable other patrons to see Feng Liuzi arrogant manner ,all a contemptuous disregard glimpse ,Facebook,and von Rokuko are also interested in one one see a few of those people .
relationresultHe found,these patrons is very complex ,some of the guests in vivo no true ,some has a reason ,some also to OBE period .relationresultAt this point,the street a gust of a noisy sound ,from street to street ,Gong has been ringing off the hook ,a large number of people gathered in the streets on both sides of a watch .
relationresultVonRokuko curious to look ,and then to the bartender asked ; outside what is that ? , relationresultTo hear Feng Liuzi surprise ,the bartender asked: are you to the field ? , relationresultYeah .
, relationresultThe bartendersaid with a smile: this is our Yuncheng largest Xiu school once a year in recruiting new students . , relationresultOh?Enroll new students need it so busy? Von Rokuko do not understand and asked .
relationresultThe waiterlooked at Feng Rokuko ,then exaggerated asks : don people here ? , relationresultVonRokuko subtle shook his head ,that is not .relationresult,as long as the real person of Xiu ranks, we ordinary people position will increase, it is a status symbol ,a symbol of honor ,you did not understand .
.. ... The bartender sighs and then continue to go back to work .relationresultThere is this thing ? Von Rokuko wry drunk a cup of drink ,turned to face the two transfer period of self-cultivation : two is supposed to be a real person of Xiu ? , relationresultOh.
The two were drinking self-cultivation ,by Feng Liuzi got a short, but then someone stood up and asked fatigue : how do you know? I found your body doesn force ? , relationresultVonRokuko smiled ,with : see two extraordinary temperament, comport oneself decently decent, so is a guess, guess .
.. ... , relationresultTo hear Feng Liuzipraise ,two real person of Xiu was the mouth closes not faze ,one of said happily : you have a lot of potential ,want to repair ?Will go with me ,I recommend you into the cloud cases .
.. ... , relationresultHush !~ , relationresultSeveral othertable diners hear the real person of Xiu wanted to recommend this ordinary people to cloud Zong time, all with an eye and envy von Rokuko .
relationresultVonRokuko faint smile, then shook his head : or not ,I am the person with no ambition at all ,listen to your world will enjoy the . , relationresultThat is ,our world will be equal to anything try by hook to look for sth.
,some time ago ,the suzerain and Deputy metropolitan two people went to the blue star catching ,heard the two beasts of a Spitfire ,a discharge of lightning, the scene ... ... Tut-tut .
.. ... Two people said one side of his lingering look .relationresultFeng Liuzi inhis hands ,was laughing face suddenly cold ,said: the two evil how ? , relationresultTwoa real person of Xiu and not feel that Feng Liuzi is not the same as ,continues to advocate : what ,sector the largest immortal array arguments are used, the last one of the wounded ,another seriously wounded ,but escaped ,listen to the sovereign ,and the two monster is animal .
.. ... , relationresultBang !~ Feng Rokuko table before suddenly turns into a fine powder ,and then two big a stretch, directly hold two real person of Xiu ,with no resistance tone : mother . Related articles:

