
cnn hemselves feel out

Ao red came to Crystal Palace at the front door ,a water castle Crystal Palace ,Niu Ben Shu from the dark dragon big sigh .To be in the tens of thousands of meters underwater construction of the comparable palaces ,one can imagine that built this palace mana too ,but the Dragon decline so far ,those with magical powers of the dragon to go there ?relationresultIn the Aored lead, Niu Ben Shu entered Crystal Palace in legend ,Facebook,thought to meet the East China Sea Dragon King Niu Benshu was disappointed that the dragon is now occupied, invited him to a room in the first rest .
He was apologetic look red eyes ,Niu Ben Shu can also say what ,happy to say before leading the way, the palace maids led to the room to go .Ao red wanted to stay with Niu Ben Shu talk on the two, but is eager to know my father sell in calabash, what medicine Ao Hong also can only look at the maid leads the bull run Shu .
relationresultThe East China SeaDragon King really busy right now ,these days the Dragon King but the headache ,overlying the sea king Kau devil after one year to in the East China Sea north open message as an inhibition as tightly sleeved in the old king ,the overlying the sea king prowess he was known, with their golden Fairy peak practice to win the Kau devil was not to think ,although behind you is heaven ,but the devil is not heard of this Jiao backstage people ,think that possible background Kau lord king ,dragon head is more painful .
But the others beside the bed ,sleeping .The East China Sea since kept since open up to dragon management ,if in his generation hands in the East China Sea Dragon King lost half of the country ,which makes him how to Sihai dragon .
Think of Kau devil occupy east half ,he will have to face the world dragon censure, the old dragon king is what is not in the mood .But today a visitor makes his face sad old king saw a hope again .
relationresultThe nineteenth chapter be rather baffling rival , relationresultThe Dragon Palace of the East Sea,full of coral pearls decorate a beautiful decoration. In the hall, the Dragon King of the eastern sea and is a guest drink ,a drink ,he put down his glass of wine ,very humble to the Dragon King said : the Dragon King .
Don little devil this guy ,his open house day, in the next must give him a good, give you here is exported . The East China Sea Dragon Wang Ting this man so zealously safeguard ,suddenly heart of stone laid down many ,in his view that Jiao devil although badly ,but this is still worse than too far ,so he raised his glass and said: the tigers here thanks in advance .
Then raised his glass and drained .The man is very politely said: the Dragon King why stand on ceremony ,if just under the said matter can become ,will not be long before we are one family .
The Dragon King of the eastern sea to the thousands of satisfied million assured ,he said ,and laughed : well ,it won are one family . He laughed ,it also caters to laugh ,cnn.Hear his laughter ,lying in the human leg beneath the black dog followed with make up .
relationresultWhen this twopeople laughed when, a maid to the intrinsic reported: the Dragon King for intrinsic ,Ao red princess . The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea Maid to come to him first ,was not happy ,but when the honored guest of the surface did not say anything ,but heard of the princess and Dragon Red see ,face suddenly brightened up ,the guest says: I and your excellency with is got ,you see, your excellency a to this ,my baby daughter back .
The guests were very happy and said: use your words . The dragon king turned to the maid said: Xuan Ao Hong princess that entered into the temple . , relationresultAo Honggang returned to thepalace ,heard that her father heart in entertaining guests ,have wanted to be myself and AO red told Niu Benshu about the Dragon King of the eastern sea to the East China Sea Dragon ,Wang Zao has a ready ,do not because of the ignorance and Dong Shuxuan against the spell wise .
It is considered must not rest ,directly for the East China Sea Dragon king .Hear let her in the Invitatory ,Ao red step into the palace hall .And imagine of the guests are not the same, basilica apart from his father ,also a guest ,the guest appearance was a handsome young youth ,on the young legs lying under a black dog ,father of the youth was strange why so polite Ao Hong suddenly found it the young man to let themselves feel out of repair .
In this case ,only two kinds of interpretation ,one is the youth do not practice ,so the feeling is not to work ,but this is obviously not possible ,it is only another kind of explanation ,the youth work far higher than their own .
So I can feel it .Although the heart think this Ao red youth is where personage ,but in the etiquette is a fearsomely Christine said : Erchen seen father . If there is no guests ,very much influenced by the Dragon King of the eastern sea pet Ao red is not such a formal meeting etiquette of .
The Dragon King of the eastern sea Jianao red come ,is very happy and said: my son is not good . Then they present to the young guest said: ,this is the ugly and red dragon . Although the mouth is ugly ,but the Dragon King of the eastern sea to feel oneself highly flattered that he looks for his daughter looks very proud .
relationresultThenYang Shenjun saw Ao red appearance ,had three points would not immediately flew to the sky ,when master let him go when he hand ,but the ten thousand did not want to ,want his body sanctification since, was placed in the repair to the above, there have a thinking about the wedding ,declined to master ,but was told this is not jade tripod himself ,but related purposes, let him for the sake of the overall situation .
Was wronged him that came to the palace ,Donghai Ryuwang hospitality he is struggling to cope with .But now see Ao red real appearance ,suddenly dissatisfaction into joy .Everyone loves beauty ,not to mention Ao red this heaven fragrance and national beauty beauty .
Listen to the Dragon King of the eastern sea presentation of Ao red ,in order to give his future wife left a good impression ,this person quickly rose up and said: music saw Ao red princess .
, relationresultYang Jian these two wordswhile the sound is not big, but also startled Ao Hongmu gaped ,the Yang Jian that she heard of the legend ,when put glorious greatly characters, known as the free three disciples ranked first .
But this music sign legend in third eyes do not see .But as a Dragon Princess ,didn ask this loss of etiquette .Hurried back a gift : Ao red seen Erlang Shen Jun ,know god you have come ,rude ,please God forgive you .
Yang Jian has not said anything ,have a bit too much of the East China Sea Dragon King for one another meeting etiquette of two people is looking more and more like that ,not by said : Yang Shenjun ,you two should not be too polite ,later we are all one family ,this kind is not good .
Yang Jian because of the Ao red had admired the heart, treat the East China Sea Dragon King also is not just to be dealt with ,it is polite to say: since the king commanded ,Yang Jian dare to disobey .
, relationresultThe two men whodisclose information between let Ao red a daze ,what became of one family ,which in the end what is said, do so .Not a good idea in the Ao red heart rise .
In the name of Yang Jian to his realms so polite ,even more proud of the Dragon King of the eastern sea to Ao red said: today I ,Emperor Yang is spoken ,google,originally, jade tripod immortal old immortal to come, but because the original saints is action ,not free ,to Yang Shenjun for his daughter ,my father has promised, Hong ,you will happily waiting to do the bride .
The Dragon King of the eastern sea and a ha ha laugh ,very proud .relationresultAored heard Father even without the consent of their permission to be married off to Yang Jian himself
,his heart was not happy for Yang Jian ,although this character position ,she is very satisfied, but the father had promised his marriage by her own decisions ,but today it is an arbitrary Related articles:

