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Beautiful twin sisters ,replicalouisbags.Then ,together they created Spirit sent blood ,blood spirit is the spirit of main ,Qiu Wuji as Dharma ,and the twins called blood spirit and . , relationresultFour of them can get the better of the six major sects ? , relationresultThe power death too overbearing savage .
Coupled with the blood spirit child vampire nature ,skill increases, they are not three months, hematochezia washed six major sects . , relationresultBlood vengeance spirit son finally reported .
, relationresultYes ,big Qiu was reported .But because the blood spirit a road kill ,also makes his magic to hard to control .In order to make the blood son killed ,spirit vowed not death .
Later, he and his Wuji Dharma and blood spirit and retired Gorefiend peak ,concentrated practice, trying to wash away the magic .But the devil is too deep ,blood spirit has completely inseparable from human blood ,no blood he shall go mad mad .
Method and how to see Ling principal suffering ,will from time to time to catch bad people back for him smoking .relationresultIn this way,day in and day out ,ten years passed .Blood spirit son never again practiced wire work ,and he was the magic also gradually retreat .
, relationresultXie Yuxiaosighed ,said : he can finally get back to a normal person ,not by the wire work with torture . , relationresultThe story .In the blood spirit son retired ,torture ,magic is completely out of it, growing the six major sects actually know where you get the message ,was packed with thousands of people ,washed up on the wire peak .
, relationresultThey do, in order to revenge ? , relationresultNot ,is because the fairy mountain .The six major sects is for the immortal mountain ,because the fairy mountain is also rumored to cultivate excellent condition ,what aura lovers ,with grass and all out, seem to stay in the immortal mountain ,can absorb aura ,religious immortal .
To the immortal mountain ,six Menpai compete years without result .Finally, they will usually call the blood spirit upon the son ,who was killed blood spirit ,for the six major sects of revenge, the respect which sent six to send the first ,can be ranked the fairy mountain .
Therefore ,they rushed on the wire peak .relationresultIt was thousands ofpeople ah ,but the blood spirit represented by only four ,plus a blood oath not clever child death ,so they cannot compete with the six major sects .
Three days of fighting off enemies ,Dharma Wuji was seriously wounded and captured the spirit of coma, blood ,and blood spirit son also scarred ,physical serious overdraft, shake and crumble .
relationresultWorseis the six major sects even caught the life threatening blood spirit ,want blood spirit child abandoned sword surrender ,waste from the martial arts .Blood spirit son after ten years of Qianxiu ,already can see life and death ,said as long as put herself ,he himself .
Who knows that the six major sects ,overbearing ,must first destroy blood spirit of martial arts .Blood spirit and be unaware of his martial arts once abolished ,and must be life is not protected, in his hesitant when the blood spirit ,the spirit that in order not to make the main threatened ,both the neck is the cross in their neck long sword ,die .
relationresultGirldeath brought blood spirit son bottomless hatred .Finally ,wire work to reproduce ,the six major sects of almost all killed thousands of people .But the blood spirit son that his magic again ,create endless killing ,will be human blood .
In order not to make killed ,he rolled up the peak of the numerous stone ,will melt into ,to our death peak piece of blood in Lingshi .relationresultThe Dutch act ,blood spirit son turn into blood in Lingshi ,then ,the method Wuji revenge ? Xie Yu Xiao Q .
relationresultXie oldkept shaking his head ,seems reluctant to go ahead .relationresultXie Bobo ,you say ah . , relationresultDharma Qiu Wuji coma awakes, see death peak is a blood red ,all over the stumps of severed body ,Replica Louis Vuitton,without a human ,material ,and the blood spirit son were dead ,and also the will to live in the world .
In his desire to draw himself ,but with a bloody sword from the red rock in ejection out ,and then a bloody arrow from the crevice in hot shot out ,lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy on the ground and wrote a line blood word: forget hatred ,conceal one ,stone day, is my life when the .
, relationresultXie oldfinished the story ,long out of breath, slowly says a few words : death peak blood flowing ,feelings such as blood ,like the soul sword .Hate of stone ,wind erosion is sold hard soul ,thousands of years to the sky .
To wash before cliff solitary Chu Ying, empty automorphic ,has thousands of years .When the song floating drunk sword intention ,moon ,would keep stone . , relationresultXie Yuxiao nowrealized ,Xie Lao the conceal one of the Dharma Wuji descendants .
relationresultXie oldeyes fell back to Xie Yuxiao said : the blood spirit is to pay his son created killed ,only in the blood within Lingshi and keep the soul with psychic powers ,relief of posterity .
He is not born again ,but devoted all his life to all passed to you ,so ,from now on, you are our blood spirit sent second generation spirit master . , relationresultXie Yuxiaoset a nod of the head ,look to the west ,West Yu Ting said : Xie uncle is Dharma Qiu Wuji descendants, the west ,West Yu Ting ?Is blood spirit and descendants ? , relationresultThankLaoyao shook his head and said : West Yu Ting ,west the orphan .
I adopt them ,pass their martial arts ,is to be our blood spiritualists heritage . , relationresultStory finished,Xie Xiao also listened to rain .This rain Xiao Xie muddleheaded learn mysterious death by ,this is what the Spirit Lord, say ,the heart is excited and happy .
He may not want to understand when the Spirit Lord what to do, but I think that how that is also a spirit of a faction of the Lord, and later still ,West West Yu Ting the two little girls can use ,suddenly heart long walking on air .
relationresultImperceptibly,out of the window it was late ,Xie rain Xiao got up to go home .Xie old stopped him and said: Spirit Lord tonight or slept here ,a lot of things I have to tell you ,especially your practice mysterious death by things ;moreover you today to cure his father had legs .
Tomorrow ,the village will will you pass raise a Babel of criticism of ,as long as the sick person I guess all ran to find you and water, these things you can .If you go back ,the villagers all rush to your family ,I want to your father ,will certainly Naofan tian .
, relationresultWhat shall we do ? , relationresultSo ,you take blood allocation water .Do not let anyone know ,can not let anyone know of your blood secret ,as the holy thing I fool them ,said to be blood Lingshi will power to you .
As long as the water effectively ,they will believe it .At that time ,I will hold you into homeopathy village spirit master .From now on ,our blood spirit sent to mend his ways to save him for the purpose ,in all, this is also the originator blood is clever child wish .

