
cheap beats by dre H3n%b

, is a thin old man ,was he carrying neck caught, like the eagle catches chicken !The magician and the sword is not the same, as long as his magic on the enemy no threat ,he is a coward, even more than what the people will not have weak !relationresultDark magicmaximum capacity is concealed ,but beneath the eye ,he did not have no implicit ,natural resistance to be caught ,the dark spirit of a face in the dark as the grave of zombies ,perhaps his original color ,may be frightened !But fear is only temporary ,his body moment into a mist ,numerous black snake attacked Zhou Yu ,but slightly with his skin contact ,immediately collapsibility ,www.monsters-ol.com,diamond body operation !relationresultThe mist in thetwist twist ,but more intense, just sick ,Zhou Yu sneer : the magic ,can all make out .
, relationresultDarkspirit is completely baffled ,his invisibility is ineffective, his dark magic not okay ,just only a neck ache ,but immediately sore ,black magic can enter each other in vivo ,but instead to oneself ,magic back to taste it is painful, the short ,dark spirit as the body into eighteenth layers hell .
relationresultYou ... ... You ... ... The mist quickly dissipated in rotation ,Zhou Yu carrying the old man whole body sweat like rain ,like is pulled from the water ,crazy shouted : why did you do that ? , relationresultZhou Yusimply says: because I do not want to resort hundreds of people while you control ! , relationresultThe old manhissed said: wanted to save them, you have to let me !Otherwise ,they will die ! This is his only life-saving straw ,also can not catch ?relationresultZhou Yu laughed: I will believe you ,but the juggernaut has a word for reminding me, he said :the dead magic ,the magic immediately broken !This simple method and I how to do ? , relationresultDarkspirit of survival : this magic .
.. ... . a sound ,beats by dre cheap,the sound stops, his throat bone has been shattered ,Zhou Yu fingers interlocked ,from his waist found a small bag ,which in addition to a black beads and nothing else ,is quite poor !The beads to star ,no light ,no reflection ,not reflective ,even the beads around slowly enveloped by a layer of dark ,this is the dark sacred pearls ?Zhou Yu doesn to kill the black magic ,but he know nothing at all ,from the beads for breach ,the beads in his beneath the eye can see, which seems to have a group of black fog around ,see Arcanum, have thought absorbed into the body to give it a try, but this is unknown ,or cautious prudent ,temporarily into no ring in .
relationresultDarkyoungsters into no ring ,the dark spirit need not trouble ,raise hand ,thin dry body direct into the night sky ,night birds away in the woods .relationresultA harvest oftreasure ,Zhou Yu a satisfied smile ,soar up into the air ,in a turn ,also died in the night ,he must see a villa in the whether the person has been restored .
relationresultVillabecame as bright as day ,dozens of huge torch ,Andean lattice heavy brows locked ,stare at the ground spread all across in confusion people ,these people were his family ,but now they are life and death unknown ,backyard wife too, and Yani and Yali mother lying in my room ,overnight, Hill left only a few dozens of people, although each is master ,but this kind of sad but let his enthusiasm disappears .
relationresultYanibow out ,eyes have tears : mom ... ... My mother wake up ?Grandpa ! , relationresultAndeanlattice long sigh : tomorrow i ... ... He tried to say tomorrow he to skull island line ,in order to Villa 300 lives and several of his immediate family ,he must go to !But suddenly ,his voice stopped ,looked at the ground ,the ground of people wake up ,moving in !He rubbed his eyes and looked again, really moving .
relationresultFor a momentall up ,bowed: the master of the house ! Yani a scream ,raced to the backyard ,coincides with the Yali touched a Yali ,far cry: mom ... ... Mother has to wake up ! Yelling sound with her usual quiet and gentle never matched .
relationresultLi Siruo and thethree sons being at a loss what to do ,how could it be ?Black magic once into the body, unless the caster solution or the caster is dead ,it will not be possible to wake up ,all these people wake up ,can only mean one thing,cheap beats by dre, that the spirit is dead ,or his conscience ,quietly lifted the magic mountain .
relationresultBut the twomay all impossible ,in the dark of the night ,who could find the dark spirit ?Let alone kill him ,in the darkness ,he is the king !He always heart Black poison ,some tricks ,some are shameless ,but conscience ever and he didn get near !relationresultYaniran !Was just hiding place ,she had to look for a sweetheart ,this villa is so big, if he lost not fun .
This time she was lucky ,come over into a person, the ear with a gentle voice : Yani ,okay ? , relationresultWell ! Yani hand over ,grabbed his hand : come, into the yard !Here in the dark .
.. ... Today a war on ,she has a great fear of darkness .relationresultAway out of the darkness ,Yani loosened his hand ,step on a pair of naked eyes staring at her behind, is the Andean lattice ,people also have dispersed ,steps are Hills High Andean lattices ,and his three sons ,and villa Butler and the rest of the several juggernaut .
relationresultThis lineupno one can not be moved ,such eyes and no one can unperturbed, but Zhou Yu can !He gave a little bow : great sage ! , relationresultGreatBlademaster eyebrows eyes emit light under Li : are you there? , relationresultYaniquickly stepped forward : he .
.. ... He is my city encountered a friend !You don him . , relationresultBigsword suddenly laughed : was he ?Frightened of him ? Come nearly more than 10 years ,he speaks with him ,others are quiet ,but now he was surprised to find that ,the young man had no fear ,but with a smile : great Blademaster of Granville, was afraid to face ! , relationresultInterestingyoung man !The big swords of the word : but you dare to face ! , relationresultZhou Yusimply said: just because a little ,I Yani friends ,and friends of the villa is the enemy ! , relationresultGreatBlademaster laughed: good !Very nice.
Such a handsome young man ,so indifferent mood ,face their own had been able to speak with fervour and assurance ,but also be neither humble nor pushy ,very gentle, among young people is unique .
relationresultYaniblush like fire ,grandpa had great reverence for him ,this is absolutely beyond her contrary to expectation ,also let her joy without side ,she and his distance in grandpa

